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Tag: PAR

Shifting from Information towards Inquiry

Shifting from Information towards Inquiry

When we editors coalesced around the idea of inquiry as the fundamental student learning objective, we began to think of ways to prompt it in the Readers, primarily in the introductions. We imagined several components that would deliver information—timelines, snapshot boxes of dates, locations, genres—and others that would provide “entry points” and invite an active engagement with the reading. Once we had identified those components, the next step was to write or rewrite introductions using them. I chose a rewrite….

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How Survey Data is Supporting Our Curriculum Design: Five Key Points

How Survey Data is Supporting Our Curriculum Design: Five Key Points

The editorial team is hard at work this summer in the thick of planning the possible structure and features for the new Readers. This is in preparation for wider faculty discussions about which content will be included within this structure that will be happening this fall. It is an opportune moment to describe how some of the data from the surveys has shaped our editorial conversations and initial decisions. This is an annotated ‘executive summary’ for those who are interested…

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Intellectual Hospitality: Inviting Our Students to Engage with Core Materials

Intellectual Hospitality: Inviting Our Students to Engage with Core Materials

It has been raining for days. Storm Alberto is still sending bands of off and on drizzle towards Asheville which has kept people mostly inside. Needing a change of scenery, I headed out to one of our local coffee shops that serves as a remote office at least once a week. Standing in line, I see the headlines about flooding, the undoing of protections by the Department of Education, the fallout from racist tweets, and a variety of political updates…

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